The first step begins with installing the CodeIgniter 4 application. This setup requires Composer Package Manager installed in your development machine.
composer create-project codeigniter4/appstarter ci4-api
After installation rename appstarter folder, such as codeigniter-rest-api.
Next, head over to the project folder:
cd ci4-api
Next, Copy env to .env and insert variable:
CI_ENVIRONMENT = development
app.appTimezone = 'Asia/Bangkok'
Create a controller Common.php in app/Controllers/Api/ folder. In this file we will create the functions those will relentlessly handle the Create, Read, Update and Delete operations.
namespace App\Controllers\Api;
use CodeIgniter\RESTful\ResourceController;
use CodeIgniter\API\ResponseTrait;
class Common extends ResourceController
use ResponseTrait;
public function index()
$data = [
'error' => false,
'timestamp' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
'environment' => ENVIRONMENT,
'timezone' => app_timezone()
return $this->setResponseFormat('json')->respond($data);
To sustain the impetus of data between client and server we need API, to access the api we also need to define the route in CI.
Open the app/Config/Routes.php file, and look for the following code.
$routes->get('/', 'Home::index');
Next, remove the above line of code and add the given line of code.
$routes->group('api', function ($routes) {
$routes->get('index', 'Api\Common::index');
Eventually, we have gone through every imperative. Now, Its time to start the application using the following command:
php spark serve
Let us test out the REST API that gets app configuration.